Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe

A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.

Natural Sciences
What causes the biggest explosions in the unive...
We're taking a deep dive into the subject of supernovas. What causes them? What do we know about them and can they harm us here on earth.?
43 min
Are there planets without a star?
Do rogue planets exist? Could they support life?
41 min
Can you slow down light?
The speed of light is constant but is it possible to slow it down?
42 min
What is the great attractor?
What is the mysterious force that is attracting our galaxy to it?
42 min
Can particles travel faster than light?
Is there any way particles can travel faster than light or is it against the laws of physics?
39 min
4 ways physics could end the world
Daniel and Jorge explore listener submitted scenarios and what that would mean for life as we know it.
49 min
Is Betelgeuse about to explode?
Betelgeuse appears to be dimming. Is it about to explode?
45 min
Why can quarks never be alone?
Can quarks ever be free?
46 min
Is space filled with junk?
Is space mostly empty or full of junk?
42 min
Why is the universe inflating?
Learn about cosmic inflation with Daniel and Jorge
51 min
What will the new space telescope reveal?
Daniel and Jorge discuss the James Webb Space Telescope
43 min
Why do some particles die?
Find out why particles die with Daniel and Jorge
45 min
Is the universe left-handed?
Why does the universe seem to be left-handed?
43 min
Can you destroy a black hole?
Is it possible to destroy a black hole?
49 min
How does relativity affect our perception of time?
Find out how relativity affects our perception of time with Daniel and Jorge
43 min
How was antimatter discovered?
Learn about antimatter with Daniel and Jorge
44 min
What are cosmic strings?
Learn about cosmic strings with Daniel and Jorge.
44 min
What is quantum spacetime foam?
Learn about quantum spacetime foam with Daniel and Jorge
40 min
What are magnetic monopoles?
Learn about magnetic monopoles with Daniel and Jorge
41 min
How fast is the universe blowing up?
What is the hubble constant? Find out with Daniel and Jorge
46 min
Is there a fifth force of the universe?
Scientists recently discovered a supposed fifth force of the universe. Is it real and what does it mean for physics?
42 min
Listener Questions 7
Could you build a real death star? How do black holes begin? Where the heck is Jorge? Daniel and Jorge answer questions from listeners like you!
45 min
The mystery of the missing neutrinos
How did physicists lose trillions of neutrinos?
44 min
Where is the coldest place in the Universe?
EXTREME UNIVERSE: Where is the coldest place in the Universe?
39 min
Is our solar system weird?
Is our solar system similar to others or is it unique?
41 min