Slate Conversations

A feed of the up close and the personal, drawn from Working and across the Slate podcast network. Let’s talk.

Society & Culture
Orhan Pamuk
The author of ‘The Red-Haired Woman’ on writing and living through Turkish history.
26 min
Glenn Greenwald
Gleen Greenwald on why Trump is less unprecedented in American history than we’d like to believe.
49 min
Robert Wright
The author of Why Buddhism is True thinks mindfulness can be a weapon against Trumpism.
27 min
Olivia Nuzzi
New York’s Washington correspondent on how White House staffers really view Donald Trump.
25 min
Zoë Heller
The novelist and essayist on criticizing Hillary Clinton and becoming friends with writers you savage.
27 min
Lydia Polgreen
The HuffPost Editor-in-chief on the problems with media snark, and the challenge of covering Trump.
29 min
Matthew Heineman
The director of ‘City of Ghosts’ on filming the heroes combating ISIS, and investigating drug cartels.
21 min
Maggie Haberman
Maggie Haberman on covering Trump, The New York Times’ Clinton coverage, and why this White House leaks to the press.
31 min
Ben Rhodes
The Obama foreign policy adviser on evaluating Obama’s eight years in office and understanding Trump’s pettiness.
59 min
Raúl Grijalva
The Arizona Congressman on the coming battle for the soul of the Democratic Party.
24 min
George Saunders
The author of ‘Lincoln in the Bardo’ on summoning the ghost of past presidents, & writing about our current one.
33 min
Delia Ephron
The best-selling humorist on writing comedy in the age of Trump, and why dating apps are ruining romance.
25 min
Congressman Tom Cole
The Republican Congressman on life in Trump’s Washington and how Fox News has changed the Republican Party.
25 min
Washington Post reporter Ashley Parker
The Washington Post political reporter on scheduling life around President Trump’s tweetstorms.
28 min
Pankaj Mishra
The author of Age of Anger on why modern society is ill-equipped to handle populist rage.
43 min
Jonathan Chait
The New York writer on how the Republican Party’s past explains the election of an American demagogue.
32 min
Pamela Paul
The new Times book review editor on the future of criticism and what our books say about us.
29 min
David Grann
The New Yorker’s David Grann on the future of longform journalism and reporting unsolved murders
32 min
Ethan Sherwood Strauss
ESPN’s Ethan Sherwood Strauss on working the Warriors beat, Steph Curry, and “sticking to sports” in the age of Trump.
34 min
Andrew Sullivan
New York Magazine writer Andrew Sullivan on the decay of conservatism and why he expected Trump’s victory.
49 min
Elif Batuman
Isaac Chotiner speaks with author and New Yorker staff writer Elif Batuman about what inspired her new novel The Idiot
30 min
Chris Hayes
Isaac Chotiner speaks with Emmy Award–winning news anchor Chris Hayes about his new book A Colony in a Nation.
41 min
Senator Chuck Schumer
Senator Schumer finds himself in a political climate unlike anything he has witnessed in his 38 years in Washington.
18 min
Coming Soon: I Have to Ask
Introducing Slate's newest podcast I Have to Ask with Isaac Chotiner
1 min