Mom and Mind

Posptartum Depression is real. And it's only part of the story. We dig in to ALL of the stuff that no one tells you about, but you NEED to know. Dr. Kat, Psychologist and specialist in perinatal mental health, interviews moms, dads, experts and advocates about how to cope, manage and recover from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. We talk about postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety and SO MUCH MORE! We get real. We get honest. We put on our stigma crushing boots and address the realities of the transition to motherhood and parenthood. Learn about it before you find out about it the hard way! You don't have to suffer!

Mental Health
Kids & Family
188: Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and Loss...
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. Mom & Mind honors all of the loss families who are grieving the loss of a child. There is no timeline and no right way to grieve, so we hold your loss with tenderness and love. In this episode,...
34 min
187: Transition to Motherhood: Pregnancy, Birth...
Hearing personal stories gives us a unique insight into the nuances of the journey into parenthood, which differ from one person to the next. Today’s guest details her experience in ambivalence about whether having kids would be part of her life...
45 min
186: Impacts of a Rough Upbringing on Transitio...
The journey into motherhood can be filled with many challenges. The situation is worsened if one grew up with a difficult relationship with one or both parents. Such is the personal story you’ll hear in today’s show. Join us. Jaimi Martin came...
39 min
185: Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Postpartum Anxiety
Today’s show is about an important topic that isn’t talked about very often. We’ve all heard of morning sickness, but there is a much more severe condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. It brings all-day nausea and vomiting and can result in...
55 min
184: Personal Journey of Birth and Adoption as ...
In many ways, our life experiences around reproduction impact us and our mental health significantly. Today’s show focuses on the story of adult sexual trauma and how our guest was affected as she became a mother. **The nature of this topic of...
41 min
183: Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and OCD - ...
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorder can leave you feeling lost, alone, and confused by the symptoms. This is why it’s so important that we hear personal stories of others that show us we are not alone. Alisa Pastecki is a Sales Executive for a...
53 min
182: Pediatricians' Important Role in Perinatal...
We are constantly learning more about the importance of mental health and its impact on the overall health of parents, children, and the entire family. More and more clinicians are getting trained in perinatal mental health, which is exactly what is...
38 min
181: Fathers and Perinatal Mental Health
We have the honor of hearing from Dr. Sheehan Fisher about new fathers, the transitions they may go through when a baby comes along, as well as the challenges and strengths that they may experience. There are quite a few gems in our talk today, one of...
33 min
180: There's More to My Postpartum Story
My goal is for the show to be a mix of personal stories, expert interviews, information, and education. Even though my story isn’t usually at the forefront, I find that it’s powerful and meaningful to share my experiences, and that’s the focus...
33 min
179: Black Women Birthing Justice
Have you ever considered how the systemic and institutional racism, implicit bias and disempowerment of women might be played out with birth? This is especially true for Black women, many of whom are experiencing discrimination, bias, racism and/or...
46 min
178: Linet's Story: Healing from PPD and PPA
Going through a postpartum mental health event can be a transformative experience. Many survivors feel inspired to change the course of their lives and careers and dedicate themselves to supporting and serving others. Such is the case of today’s...
46 min
177: The Loss of a Postpartum Mother and Wife
No one will escape this life without feeling the pain of loss, and there is no better way to channel that pain than through creating something beautiful out of it. In today’s show, you’ll meet a devoted husband and father who wasn’t content to...
57 min
176: Mother Burnout
In honoring Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, today’s topic is mother burnout. It’s something a lot of us moms feel, but we often don’t recognize it until it’s too late. Let’s learn more! Diana Spalding is Digital Education Editor at...
38 min
175: Mom Genes Fight Postpartum Depression
May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, and today, May 6, happens to be World Maternal Mental Health Day. It’s a fitting day to bring you this show with an expert who is the driving force behind a pioneering study to help diagnose postpartum...
33 min
174: Perinatal Mental Health en Español - Salud...
Durante las fases embarazo, nacimiento y postparto se pueden dar casos de síntomas postraumáticos en las mujeres y muchas veces no se saben identificar ni como tratarlos. Por eso en el podcast de hoy hablaremos con dos mujeres especializadas en este...
44 min
173: Holding Both: When Therapists Who Are Affe...
One challenge that every therapist faces is helping clients through a difficulty that hits very close to home. For instance, when you’ve experienced a personal perinatal mental health challenge, then it can be triggering to provide support for...
38 min
172: Sex, Stress, and Burnout. Understanding it...
The focus of our chat is on sex, but it’s also about relationships and stress and how our brains work. Our guest Emily Nagoski, Ph.D. shares her brilliant wisdom with us in this episode. Given the current state of the world, we are living in times...
45 min
171: Fighting for Nora. PostpartumPsychosis Thr...
Today’s show is a special episode with difficult and sensitive topics. We’ll be hearing about Nora and her story of postpartum psychosis and filicide. We have the honor of hearing from Nora’s mother, Kathryn Gahl. She will share from her...
58 min
170: Infant Mental Health
Perinatal mental health is the focus of many Mom & Mind episodes, but infant mental health is often overlooked in our discussions. It’s fascinating to see the intersection of infant mental health and perinatal health, and research shows that we...
39 min
169: Birth, Trauma, Breastfeeding and Mental He...
We talk about a lot of things that people don’t want to talk about or even hear. Still, they are very real, challenging, and difficult circumstances surrounding pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. It’s important to share these stories because these...
42 min
168: Thyroid, Infertility, and mental Health
We know that our body systems are complicated. There’s no way we can understand everything we need to know to have a healthy pregnancy and postpartum, but the more we know how the brain and body work together, the more prepared we can be. Today’s...
37 min
167: When Your Own Thoughts and Feelings are Ov...
Welcome to a new year! This is a monumental year for me, as it marks ten years since I was pregnant with my daughter and experienced postpartum depression, anxiety, and OCD. I never dreamed back then that I would be where I am today, trying to help...
20 min
166: You're the Strongest People I Know
As we close out the year, I’m reflecting on my work over the past years. I’m struck by how incredibly strong you all are, and I mean every person who’s endured a perinatal mental health condition. Perinatal mental conditions are very difficult...
12 min
165: Encore! Holiday Self-Care and Stress Reduc...
Do you find the holidays stressful? We would all have to say YES if we’re completely honest. For a pregnant mom, a postpartum mom, or a mom experiencing loss, the holiday obligations can be overwhelming in magnified ways. In today’s solo episode,...
24 min
164: Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medici...
We’re diving deep into acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. We’re talking specifically about how these treatments can be used in support of people dealing with reproductive health issues and mental health conditions. Abigail Morgan is a...
38 min