The New Way We Work

Fast Company deputy editor Kathleen Davis takes listeners on a journey through the changing landscape of our work lives. Each episode explores the future of work, including the state of remote and hybrid work amid the return-to-office battle; how AI will change the way we do our jobs; the status of gender equity and DEI efforts; rethinking career ladders and ambition; motivation and what makes work meaningful; and the progress on mental health and disability issues at work. And as if all that isn’t enough, she also shares practical advice for interviews, résumés, and salary negotiations, as well as the latest office jargon, just how useful personality tests really are, and more.

Productivity Confidential: Wellness @ Work—How ...
(Presented by Citrix) When Nicole Wolfe, director of partnerships at ClassPass, first started her career, wellness was defined by numbers. There were weight loss goals, daily step counts, weekly activity goals. But wellness has undergone a sea change in the last decade, with both people and firms understanding that health goes way beyond counting calories and building up a sweat. On this episode of Productivity Confidential, we talk with Wolfe about the transforming wellness landscape, and how companies are beginning to understand that healthy, happy teams are productive teams.
18 min
The right (and wrong) answers to common job int...
On this episode of Secrets of the Most Productive People, co-hosts Kate and Anisa help listeners figure out exactly what to say (and what to avoid) in sticky situations. How do you answer some tricky questions such as “What are you weaknesses?” “What questions do you ask at the end of an interview?” Here are three ways to make a good impression at a job interview.1.  Build rapport and relationships with everyone you meet during the interview process. That includes the receptionist, the team member who spoke to you while you were waiting, and of course, your interviewer. Remember that everyone you interact is forming their first impression of you, even when your interview hasn't officially started.2. Have anecdotes and statistics ready. If you listened to our previous episode, you know that the more you can quantify, the better. Make sure can articulate these in your interviews as well. The interviewer might have glanced at your resume, but an interview is your opportunity to remind them why your experience and achievements makes you a perfect candidate for this role.3. Ask smart questions. It's a red flag when a candidate doesn't have any questions at the end of an interview, because it can give off the impression that they're not interested in their role. When you ask specific questions, that tells the hiring manager that you've put a lot of time and effort into learning more about the company, which is a characteristic that any manager would want to see in an employee.We’re answering your questions: What’s the career question that Google can’t help you out with? In the next few episodes we’ll be tackling how to answer the most common interview questions, how to negotiate your starting salary, and more. Leave a voice mail with your question at ‪(201) 371-3278, and your question might be featured on an upcoming episode.
23 min
Productivity Confidential: RIP Cubicle—Inside T...
(Presented by Citrix) For decades, the image of the American office was a grim one. Endless rows of cubicles; harsh, humming, fluorescent lighting; stiff task chairs that make your back ache just looking at them. Recently, though, there’s been a shift, with employers injecting best practices from the wellness industry into the workplace and seeing productivity skyrocket. Rachel Gutter, president of the International WELL Building Institute, has made it her mission to make wellness a central component of any office. Think of IWBI as a LEED rating for wellness, with buildings and offices awarded designations based on how they integrate employee wellness into the workplace. On this episode of Productivity Confidential, we sat down with Gutter to talk about why focusing on wellness can be the key to unlocking a company’s potential.
20 min
What should your online presence say about you?
Not so long ago, most people didn’t have to worry about their online presence or personal brand. Unless you were a celebrity, politician, or prominent CEO or entrepreneur in a public-facing company, doing well in your career involved doing good work and making in-person connections. Applying for a job meant mailing (or physically dropping) off your résumé and cover letter. Social media changed all that. As we’ve discovered in this week’s episode of Secrets of the Most Productive People podcast, marketing strategist and Duke University professor Dorie Clark recounted a story of when a client almost didn’t hire someone because they couldn’t find any information about the candidate online. At minimum, employers expect an updated LinkedIn profile. The more content you can create (such as a blog post), the better. Here are three things you should consider when you’re auditing your online presence: 1. Keep everything as up-to-date as possible. This includes LinkedIn, Twitter, and your personal website if you have one. You never know when people might need your expertise, or when your dream company wants to hire someone with your skills and qualifications. 2. Make yourself accessible. You want to have some way for people to contact you, whether it’s by email, Twitter direct messages, or messages on your personal website. There’s no point showcasing the value that you can bring, only for people to struggle to get in touch with you. 3. Stay true to yourself. It’s easy in the social media age to feel like you need to present a certain image, but in a world of curated filters, anything that doesn’t come across as genuine is going to be obvious. Just be strategic about what you share. And new this season, we’re answering your questions: What’s the career question that Google can’t help you out with? In the next few episodes we’ll be tackling how to answer the most common interview questions, how to negotiate your starting salary, and more. Leave a voice mail with your question at ‪(201) 371-3278, and your question might be featured on an upcoming episode.
25 min
Is writing a cover letter worth it?
No one likes writing them, and recruiters just skim them. Is it finally time for cover letters to die? Not so fast. On this episode, cohosts Kate and Anisa share why this tool is still crucial in a job search. They talk to Jamie Hichens, a senior talent acquisition programs manager at Glassdoor. She reviews hundreds of cover letters a month, so she knows all the best practices and mistakes to avoid. If you don't know where to start, here are three tips to write a compelling cover letter: 1. Address it to the right person. 2. Give the hiring manager a reason to keep reading. 3. Includes specific examples. And new this season, the cohosts are answering your questions: What's the career question that Google can't help you out with? In the next few episodes we'll be tackling how to answer the most common interview questions, how to negotiate your starting salary, and more. Leave a voicemail with your question at (201) 371-3278, and your question might be featured on an upcoming episode. If this episode was helpful to your job search, please let us know. Leave us a review wherever you listen.
13 min
Productivity Confidential: Artificial Intellige...
(Presented by Citrix) Whether we see it as a threat or a practical productivity booster, artificial intelligence is shifting the way we work. Embracing AI at work and harnessing its power to find efficiencies can open up a new realm of possibilities. AI allows people to focus more on distinctly human tasks like creativity, empathy and intuition by freeing workers from repetitive tasks and managing high volumes of data.On this episode of Productivity Confidential, we sat down with Chris Heilmann from Microsoft, to discuss what AI means for the workforce, productivity and its effect on the job market.
20 min
How to avoid the biggest resume mistakes
This season of Secrets of the Most Productive People dives deep into all things career-related, starting with the most basic tool to get your foot in the door: your resume. What are some resume mistakes you should stay away from? Are there common advice you’ve unknowingly follow that hiring managers and recruiters actually hate? The cohosts answer listener questions about resumes and Kate challenges her boss to debate common resume advice.
22 min
Productivity Confidential: How to keep your bus...
(Presented by Citrix) If you check emails by phone on-the-go or work from home occasionally, you’re part of the remote workforce. Cutting-edge technology and a new generation of entrepreneurs and managers are transforming the concept of the 9 to 5. In today’s always-on work culture, employees who want flexibility in their schedule, location, and commute are finding more ways to work how, when and where they want than ever before. On this episode of the Productivity Confidential podcast, we sat down with Sara Sutton, CEO and founder of FlexJobs, to talk about the challenges and opportunities of building a remote-first office, why she's a telecommuting evangelist, and how to get your office to embrace the future of work.
18 min
What Can You Expect in Season Three?
New Episodes of Secrets of the Most Productive People start June 12. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
1 min
The Morning Routines of the Most Successful People
There’s a reason why so many successful people are intentional about how they start their day. On the final episode of season 2 of Secrets of the Most Productive People, the cohosts talk to Benjamin Spall–coauthor of My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired–about what successful people have in common when it comes to how they spend their mornings. What is ideal for one person might not work for another, but the one thing that sets many successful people apart is that they use that time to take control of their day, rather than letting the day control them.
26 min
How to Train Your Brain to be More Resilient to...
Fast Company deputy editor Kate Davis and assistant editor Anisa Purbasari Horton speaks to Intern Queen CEO and founder Lauren Berger about seeing failure as part of the journey to success.
26 min
Myths About Introverts and Extroverts
There are many misconceptions about introverts and extroverts--introverts are shy, extroverts are not. The reality is that shyness has nothing to do with introversion or extraversion. Whether you're one or the other depends on how you draw your energy source. Do you recharge by being alone, or would you prefer to be surrounded with people? This week, Kate Davis and Anisa Purbasari Horton spoke to bestselling author and award-winning speaker Susan Cain about how to determine whether you're one or the other, why a lot of people fall somewhere in-between, and why the workplace is often designed in favor of extroverts.
28 min
Is Creativity the Enemy of Productivity?
The creative process is long and messy. When you need to come up with a novel solution to a thorny problem is precisely when your brain seems to shut down. As Anisa Purbasari Horton and Kate Davis found out on this week’s episode of Secrets Of The Most Productive People, often our journey to creativity involves a lot of activity that seems “unproductive.” As psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman said, we need to change how we think about productivity when it comes to creativity—and embrace the non-linear path that comes with it.
26 min
Is Mind Over Matter a Real Thing?
We spend most of our lives “in our heads,” processing the world and other people though our own beliefs and biases. Yet, most of us understand very little about how our brains really work, and what they are actually capable of. On this week’s episode of Secrets of the Most Productive People, We spoke to Tara Swart to understand exactly what our brains are capable of and how to build new neuro-pathways in our brain.
25 min
How do you know if you're about to burn out?
Chronic stress and burnout are common occurrences in today’s workplace. About one in five “highly-engaged” U.S. workers reported experiencing some sort of burnout, according to a 2018 study conducted at the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence. This week, we spoke to former lawyer turned burnout and resilience expert Paula Davis-Laack about why our work and achievement-centric culture might be to blame, what signs we should look out for, and how we can prevent it from taking over our lives.
22 min
How can we disconnect and manage digital distra...
In today's modern environment, it's impractical to live a completely digital-free life. But as Newport points out, you can keep your smartphone and stay sane at the same time. The key is to practice digital minimalism, and spend your online time "on a small number of carefully selected activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else."
27 min
How do you make a to-do list that works?
When it comes to one of productivity's most basic elements, the to-do list, everyone has their own approach. So in this episode of "Secrets of the Most Productive People" we talked to the creator of the popular bullet journal about how to figure out what system works for you.
27 min
Four Day Work Week: Impossible Dream or Plausib...
Shorter workweeks can improve productivity and boost morale. But while a 3-day weekend sounds great, American work culture and expectations aren't there yet. We talk to CEO and founder of FlexJobs, Sara Sutton, about the pros and cons of a 4 day workweek.
27 min
How Can You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions?
So many of us (close to half of all Americans) make New Year's resolutions. The bad news is that just 8% of us will actually keep them all year.
29 min
What Should You Expect in Season Two?
New Episodes of Secrets of the Most Productive People start January 2nd with "How Can You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions?" Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
1 min
Productivity Myths Busted! - Live from the Fast...
Are morning people more productive than night owls? Do successful people have to give up work-life balance? Psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman and time management expert Laura Vanderkam busted some of the biggest productivity myths at the Fast Company Innovation Festival.
38 min
Is Work-Life Balance Possible?
In our always-connected universe, achieving work-life balance can seem impossible. In this final episode of season one, Tiffany Dufu insists that to feel at peace, we need to learn to let go of our high expectations, and forgive ourselves from falling short from time to time.
25 min
How Can We Make and Break Habits?
When it comes to making or breaking habits–there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Learn what some habit-building strategies might be, along with why certain personality types don’t do well with accountability partners.
27 min
How Can We Feel Less Busy?
Telling someone you're "busy" is a surefire way to shut down the conversation. This is how you can change the way you look at your time and your life.
25 min
How Can We Improve Our Willpower?
Researchers have long debated whether or not our willpower and decision-making capacity is finite. One thing is clear, though–not all decisions are created equal–and some will require more brain juice than others. Decision-making expert Sheena Iyengar joins Kate and Anisa to tell us about how we can train ourselves and structure our lives to to make better decisions.
25 min