Unexplained Mysteries

Life can take unexpected turns. Some are easily defined. Others… require further investigation. Every Tuesday, collect the pieces of a seemingly unsolvable puzzle — events in history which have eluded so many for so long, but deserve a deeper look. Unexplained Mysteries is a Spotify Original.

True Crime
Society & Culture
Majestic 12 - The Roswell Cover-Up
They are said to have a higher clearance than the CIA.
46 min
Reincarnation Pt. 2 - Can Shanti Devi's Claims ...
Shanti Devi, a young girl from Delhi, attracted a swarm of attention in the 1930s when she recalled her past life as a woman who died in childbirth.
41 min
Reincarnation - Did Shanti Devi Live Twice?
Life and death are certain, but what lies beyond that remains a mystery.
37 min
Stonehenge Pt. 2 - Wood vs. Stone
Were these massive stones arranged into an elaborate calendar?
30 min
Stonehenge – Why Was it Built?
From each stone’s incredible size, to its impressive age of 5000 years, Stonehenge has puzzled people throughout history.
29 min
Mona Lisa Pt. 2 – Who Was She?
Throughout history, her face has evoked intrigue and mystery.
35 min
Mona Lisa – Behind the World’s Most Famous Smile
We’re all familiar with her face… the famous Mona Lisa, a painting by Leonardo da Vinci that has intrigued people for centuries.
30 min
Welcome Trailer!
1 min