Climate One

We’re living through a climate emergency; addressing this crisis begins by talking about it. Co-Hosts Greg Dalton and Ariana Brocious bring you empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the challenge — the scary and the exciting, the individual and the systemic. Join us.

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Earth Sciences
Social Sciences
News Commentary
In the Balance: Energy, Economy and Environment
The low-carbon economy is California’s future. But this panel of energy experts convened by Climate One disagrees on how fast that transition will take, and how it will impact the economy.
63 min
Solar Surge?
A “perfect storm” of policy and incentives has made 2010 the year for solar in California, but for the boom to continue in the state and the rest of the U.S., major obstacles need to be cleared, according to a panel of experts convened by Climate One.
64 min
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger: Green Light or ...
When Californians choose a successor to Gov. Schwarzenegger this November, will the state stay the course on clean energy or take a new approach? Join us for a conversation with the governor about his trip to China, his own record on sustainability.
68 min
Salt, Oil and Carbon
A new national oceans policy will require a patchwork of federal agencies to collaborate on managing the country’s oceans for the first time, according to Jane Lubchenco, and Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
69 min
Cradle to California
American architect McDonough helped start the Cradle to Cradle revolution in manufacturing and design. Does the world need another green seal of approval? McDonough is thinking big about architecture, manufacturing and transportation.
66 min
Spin It Green: The Story of Marissa Muller
After graduating from business school in Spain, Muller returned home to California and worked with her family in building her vision: a solar powered electric bike.
59 min
Power Shift: The U.S. Navy and Global Energy Re...
Within 10 years, the United States Navy will get one-half of all its energy needs, both afloat and ashore, from non-fossil fuel sources,” Navy Secretary Ray Mabus says. He believes that the US military can jump-start the clean energy revolution.
60 min
Rep. Ed Markey: Cap and Fade?
Now that the U.S. Senate has punted on an economy-wide climate bill, the future of any legislation limiting carbon pollution is in doubt. Join us for a conversation with a Washington insider who has a leading role in America's ongoing energy saga.
66 min
After BP: Climate Progress?
Does the oil sloshing around the Gulf of Mexico improve or impede the chance of major energy legislation getting through Congress this year? Romm gives his insight into the urgency of the climate crisis and the hope for technology to solve it.
66 min
Shai Agassi: A Better Model?
Influential investors seem to be betting on the electrification of vehicles. What infrastructure is needed to make this viable on a national scale? Find out what Better Place CEO Agassi, once called the "Steve Jobs of clean energy," has to say about it.
64 min
Hot, Wet and Uncertain
What do scientists predict the Earth will be like in a few decades? How fast will Arctic ice melt? What does that mean for the rest of the world? What are governments & businesses doing in the Bay Area and elsewhere to prepare for new water patterns that?
69 min
America’s Climate War
Why is the national conversation about America’s energy future so polarized? Author Eric Pooley had extensive access to Al Gore in writing his new book, The Climate War. He offers his take on the forces battling it out in the big climate change showdown.
66 min
Merchants of Doubt
What do tobacco and fossil fuels have in common? A handful of scientists were able to obscure the truth about both threats to public well-being, according to author Conway. “Doubt is our product,” one tobacco executive reportedly said.
61 min
Corporate Sustainability: A Sprint or Marathon?
When every company claims to be a green leader, how can consumers know which ones really are? Hesse will share his insights on why sustainable growth is sound business and can offer a competitive edge in an industry expanding rapidly around the world.
66 min
Drill, Baby, Spill
What impact will the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico have on America’s energy supply? Will the oil spill drive investment and policies to spur biofuels? Oil on the shores of Louisiana will change energy policy in ways we are just starting to understand.
68 min
Reporter's Roundtable
Are electric cars ready for prime time? And is California hitting the brakes on its climate legislation? Our reporter's roundtable discusses all these issues and more with environmental reporter Todd Woody and Craig Miller of KQED's Climate Watch
21 min
National Ocean Policy: Working to Protect Our O...
The United States has ocean areas larger than any country in the world. The White House is considering a national policy to address the environmental and economic challenges that face our oceans, coastal states, communities, jobs and waterways.
64 min
Youth Grabbing the Wheel: Young Leaders Speak U...
Hear from three youth advocates working to change policy and lifestyles while building new models that work. Business, government and civil society leaders join the audience while the kids take the stage.
64 min
Cap and Charade?
A town hall conversation about cap and trade with a fervent skeptic, a true believer and you.
67 min
Vinod Khosla: Forecast or Invent Our Energy Fut...
A leading clean tech investor gives his view on what the United States needs to do to create a prosperous and more sustainable economy.
60 min
Global Warring with Cleo Paskal
The changing climate now has the attention of military establishments around the world.
63 min
Fossil Fuels + Dependence = Security Risks?
Beefing up the country's electric grid, pushing energy efficiency, driving toward electric military vehicles and pursuing renewable fuels. Why? Because, they say, it would reduce the burden on soldiers overseas and make the country stronger.
62 min
Is Your God Green?
Join us for a conversation at the intersection of faith, light and power.
64 min
Geo-engineering: Global Salvation or Ruin?
Our three panelists share distinct perspectives on the passionate discussion about geo-engineering.
70 min
After Copenhagen: What Now?
The panel will also address the possibility of U.S. domestic climate legislation and the political and industrial jockeying around that part of the energy puzzle.
64 min